Old Railway Station

Unfortunately VicTrack has reconfirmed that no funding was made available in the 2019/20 financial year to restart the Community Use of Vacant Rail Buildings (CUVRB) program.

Join us in lobbying the State Government and Rail Authority in the coming months.

Old Railway Station Photo

Vision, Plan and Shine

A Vision for the future of Harcourt. Do you want large bare bitumen car parks throughout the town centre or carefully designed parking lots. Or do you want gravel road edges or properly formed concrete gutters …. ?

Upcoming HPA survey to determine what sort of aesthetic treatmentsthe community would like to see implemented into the Plan Harcourt document.

Shine Harcourt

Rail Service

What happened to the petition to reopen Harcourt’s rail service?

Over 540 signatures were presented to Maree Edwards at the December 2019 Twilight Market.
This petition was presented to Parliament in the last sitting week in 2019. In the meantime, HPA is preparing an online petition to collect further signatures to help bring about the return of a passenger rail service to Harcourt.

Next steps – online survey in 2021 planned



The roundabout upgrade was driven by Harcourt Progress Association and achieved through a combination of VicRoads funding and in-kind support from the community. The project, however, has had ongoing challenges in terms of maintenance, visual appeal and cars mounting the gravelled areas. We’d like to address the problem and we’d love your help!